You Might Be A MouseWife If…
By: Sarah
Many people have asked, “What is a MouseWife?” Here are just a few of my own examples of how I know I am a Disney-loving MouseWife:
You Might Be A MouseWife If:
- You have four containers chock full of Disney hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions.
You Might Be A MouseWife If…You have four containers full of Disney hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions.
- You get mad at your husband for actually USING one of the soaps out of the four containers! (No, it does not matter that I forgot to buy soap! Under no circumstances are those precious little beauties to actually be used!)
- You have a suitcase set out that you toss in items for your next Disney trip…even though you don’t currently have a trip scheduled.
- You have a Disney trip scheduled and have started pre-packing 4 months before your trip – but are still worried you are going to forget something.
- Even your “business professional” attire includes at least one item with hidden Mickeys.
- You have a cabinet full of only Disney mugs (most of which include a rapid refill chip, as you just have to get a new one on every trip!)
- You hide Disney pins in your sock drawer so your husband doesn’t see how many you actually have.
- Every bag you own is Disney-related.
- You are constantly on the look-out for the “perfect” park purse.
- You have 17 such nearly perfect park purses.
- You are constantly wondering how you can go purse-free in order to skip the bag check line and get in the park faster. (Who am I kidding? I’m an obsessive compulsive planner and I could never go without my park purse and the 5,000 little things I have picked up months before “just in case” because you never know when you might need a Mickey band aid, water bottle strap, glow sticks, granola bar, antibacterial wipes, Clorox wipes, antibacterial gel, Chapstick, or a bottle of Diet Coke!)
- Your husband has a snack craving and can only find Mickey-shaped pretzels, Mickey-shaped veggie chips, Anna and Elsa fruit snacks, coconut patties shaped like Mickey, Mickey-shaped sliced cheese, and even the bag of apples has Disney characters on it.
- You have a plastic Disney shopping bag full of plastic Disney shopping bags because you can’t bear to use them…or throw them away.